International Association of Special Education
Fostering a Global Exchange of Ideas and Information

15th Biennial 2017 Conference
International Association of Special Education
15th Biennial 2017 Conference
International Association of Special Education
"Addressing the Exceptional Needs of the Whole Child and Young Adult: Embracing the Future."
"Addressing the Exceptional Needs of the Whole Child and Young Adult: Embracing the Future."
Perth, Australia
June 25-29, 2017
Perth, Australia
June 25-29, 2017
IASE celebrated 30 years of collaboration, research and service during our 15th Biennial International Conference in Perth, Australia. The International Association of Special Education (IASE) in collaboration with Curtin University and Edith Cowan University invited academics, practitioners, community leaders, NGOs and independent scholars and researchers from around the world (33 countries were represented) in order to exchange the latest ideas and discuss issues addressing the exceptional needs of the whole child and young adult.
A special thanks to everyone who participated in the conference, our local team, all the presenters who submitted their abstracts for inclusion in the conference proceedings, and all those who contributed to making this conference a true celebration!
Click on the program to see the wide range of topics discussed at this event.

The theme of the 2017 IASE Biennial Conference was "Addressing the Exceptional Needs of the Whole Child and Young Adult: Embracing the Future." We hope that you will become more actively involved in IASE in order to learn more about new developments from around the world designed to promote collaboration, research and advocacy with the ultimate goal of improving the quality of life for individuals with disabilities. Join today!

Conference bags designed by Elizabeth Krekora from Westminster Primary School (year 3), Perth, Australia.
Conference bags designed by Elizabeth Krekora from Westminster Primary School (year 3), Perth, Australia.

Check out a special blog feature from one of our very own members. Sarah Rosenbloom, is the founder and director of The Toa Nafasi Project which is one of our VSP sites.
Her story and adventures captures our 15th Biennial Conference Celebration.

The International Association of Special Education just celebrated 30 plus years of achievement around the world. Happy Birthday IASE and many more!