International Association of Special Education
Fostering a Global Exchange of Ideas and Information

The online journal, indexed in international bases such as Emerging Sources Citation Index and SCOPUS, has moved its editorial office from Canada to Poland.
Professor Małgorzata Sekułowicz, a longtime friend and collaborator of the late Dr. Marg Csapo, will now lead the editorial board. The journal welcomes submissions of charge from those interested in special education, inclusive practices, social services, community development, advocacy, empowerment, or students of special education, particularly those with bilingual proficiency and practical experience in working with children and-age youth and their families in and/or social settings.
Consider submitting your work to be published in our upcoming issues. Please submit your manuscript via e-mail to info@speceducat.com .
Feel free to review all issues and publishing process by going to our new website at: http://internationalsped.com