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Pre conference site visit Information



On THURSDAY June 27 2024 the local conference committee have arranged for conference attendees to have the opportunity to visit several educational and community programs serving the special education and disability community in Pilsen, Czech Republic...see information below. In order to register please visit our website IASE.ORG and click on Site Options link and Sign Up link for your choice of which school or community program you would like to visit.

Pre – conference site visits groups

GREEN GROUP (5 people max)

Morning visit: Special Schools for children with vision impairment and speech impairment (Kindergarten, Elementary School)

Afternoon visit: Diaconia of the Evangelical Church of the Old Brethren - Day Habilitation Program for children and adults with IDD

PINK GROUP (5 people max)

Morning visit: Special Schools for children with intellectual disability and autism (Kindergarten, Elementary School, Secondary 1 year and 2 years Practical School)

Afternoon visit: Ngo TOTEM – Regional Volunteer Centre

BLUE GROUP (5 people max)

Morning visit: Special schools for children with hearing impairment (Kindergarten, Elementary School)

Afternoon visit: Ngo Ty a já (You and me). Organisation originally established by parents to support meaningful and leisure time activities for teens and adults with disabilities

RED GROUP (5 people max)

Morning visit: High school offering vocational training study programmes with onsite setting for practical training for students with and without disabilities

Afternoon visit: Centre of social services STOD - Social Services Provider run by Pilsen Region to provide community – based services for adults and older adults with intellectual disabilities, visit of the headquarters of the organisation and also of one community – based setting in Stod (small town nearby Pilsen)

PURPLE GROUP (5 people max)

Morning visit: ZŠ MĚSTO TOUŠKOV, Mainstream Elementary School with special classes

Afternoon visit: Ngo Procit, organisation established by parents of children, teenagers and young adults with autism to support their quality of life

Pre – conference site visits groups

ORANGE GROUP (5 people max)

Morning visit: ZŠ Merklín, Special school for students with autism (Special Elementary school and Special Secondary 1year and 2 years Practical School for students with intellectual disability and autism)

Afternoon visit: Ngo Motýl (Butterfly), organisation established by parents of children with disabilities to open a very first early intervention program in Pilsen. Recently centre serves people with (mainly intellectual) disabilities of different age

BROWN GROUP (5 people max)

Morning visit: ZŠ Bory, Special Elementary School for children with disabilities

Afternoon visit: Centre of social services STOD - Social Services Provider run by Pilsen Region to provide community – based services for adults and older adults with intellectual disabilities, visit of a community – based setting in Tlučná (small town nearby Pilsen)

TURQUOISE GROUP (5 people max)

Morning visit: ZŠ Tachovská (Special Elementary School for children with intellectual disabilities)

Afternoon visit: Children’s Centre. The Centre, run by the municipality of Pilsen provides specialized care for children from birth to preschool age with specific needs; including children with disabilities, those with chronic illnesses (convalescent and rehabilitation stays, hospice care), victims of abuse, neglect, and maltreatment, requiring diagnostic stays before placement in alternative family care, at risk due to a risky social environment, abandoned, or in need of immediate assistance.

GREY GROUP (5 people max)

Morning visit: Visit to Plzeň Bory Prison: Established during the era of the Austro-Hungarian Empire to incarcerate individuals from Bohemia, Moravia, Silesia, Hungary, and Austria, the prison is well-known, among other things, for having housed Václav Havel during the Communist era. It is the largest prison in the Czech Republic.

Afternoon visit: Teen Challenge and its Center Point 14 (point for teen) is actively looking for common possible way-outs for drug addicted people or people who are at addiction risk. Their personal history and current situation are taken into account in order to support and bring up personage of human being.


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