International Association of Special Education
Fostering a Global Exchange of Ideas and Information

JIASE - Journal of the International Association of Special Education
JIASE - Journal of the International Association of Special Education
The Journal of the International Association of Special Education (JIASE) is a peer-reviewed journal that publishes research and PRAXIS articles pertaining to the education of exceptional children from around the world. The PRAXIS section of the journal is intended for the dissemination of practical strategies that readers can immediately implement in their classrooms/schools. These methods/strategies may be new and unique ideas or they can be effective methods/strategies that some teachers have been using and believe that by their publication many more teachers could effectively implement them in their classrooms.
JIASE, is published annually in the spring. The ISSN # is 1555-6913. JIASE is listed with EBSCO, SWETS and Wilson indexes. If you are not an IASE member, you may purchase a journal for a fee of $25 US. If you are an IASE member, you may purchase an extra Journal for $15 US.
Contact: Dr. Renata Ticha, co-editors, for more information.
To receive the latest edition, become an IASE member. See our Membership page.
Journal Editor
Renata Ticha, Ph.D.
Research Associate
104 Pattee Hall
University of Minnesota
150 Pillsbury Drive SE
Minneapolis, MN 55455

Associate Editors
Karen Ramlackhan, Ph.D.,College of Education,University of South Florida-St Petersburg
Dr. Malgorzata (Gosia) Sekulowicz, University of Lower Silesia, Wroclaw, Poland
Managing Editor
Thomas J. Donaghy, Institute on Community Integration, University of Minnesota, USA
Consulting Editors
Brian Abery, Ph.D.Institute on Community Integration, University of Minnesota, USA
Theo Ajobiewe, Ph.D.Federal College of Education, Nigeria
Paul M. Ajuwon, Ph.D.Missouri State University, USA
Dr. Anies M. Al-Hourb,American University of Beirut, Lebanon
Panayiotis Angelides, Professor,University of Nicosia, Cyprus
Dr. M. Lynn Aylward, School of Education, Acadia University, Canada
Kathleen L. Brown, Ph.D.Northeastern Illinois University, USA
María Cristina Cardona, Faculty of Education, University of Alicante, Spain
Sue Carpenter, Ph.D. Kingsborough Community College, City University of New York, USA
Lotus Chiang, Special Education Department of National Chiayi University, Taiwan
Dr. George Chitiyo, Tennessee Technological University, USA
Jonathan Chitiyo, Faculty., Southern Illinois University, USA
Yi Ding, Associate Professor, Graduate School of Education,Fordham University, USA
Dr. Richard Freeze, University of Manitoba, Canada
Dr. Robert Gable, Costance F. & Colgate W. Darden Professor, Old Dominion University, USA
Kay Hanson,Ph.D. University of South Carolina, USA
Dr. Priti Haria, Stockton University, USA
Martha Howard Ph.D.Tennessee Technological University, USA
Dawn Iwamoto, Ed.D, University of the Rockies, USA
Dr. James T. Jackson, Associate Professor/Coordinator of Special Education, Howard University, USA
Seth King, Ph.D., BCBA-D,Tennessee Technological University, USA
Dr. Marcel Lebrun, Plymouth State University, USA
Eduardo José Manzini, Ph.D.Universidad Estadual Paulista,Brazil
Dr. M. L. Mostert, Associate Professor,University of Namibia, Namibia
Mr. Thomas Mtonga, School of Education,
Dr. Karen P. Nonis, Curtin University, Australia
Dr. Sekhar Pindiprolu,The University of Toledo, USA
Dr. Karen Schulte,School District of Janesville, Wisconsin, USA
Karen Sealander, Ph.D Northern Arizona University, USA
Denise Skarbek, Professor, Saint Leo University, USA
Jamie L. Timmerman, Ph.D., NCSP Mesa Public Schools, USA
MichaelTorrence,Ph.D.Assistant Vice President of Academic Affairs,Volunteer State Community College,USA
Nelly Malatsi, Faculty/Lecturer,University of Botswana,Botswana
John Wheeler, Ph.D. Director /Professor,East Tennessee State University,USA
Gulnoza Yakubova, Ph.D.,Duquesne University, USA
Dr. Kaili Chen Zhang,Unitec Institute of Technology, New Zealand

Annuntiatus - our quarterly newsletter
Annuntiatus - our quarterly newsletter
The Annuntiatus, the IASE newsletter, is published four times a year - spring, summer, fall, and winter. The newsletter usually includes a lead article about the upcoming biennial conference, a report from the President, notes from the field, highlights from Volunteer Service Project sites, a financial summary and more.
To receive 2014 issues, become an IASE member. See our Membership page.
Past issues:
2014: February, May, August, November
2013: Fall, Summer, Spring, Winter
2012: Fall, Summer, Spring, Winter

Newsletter Committee Chair -
Committee Members:
David Hampton, Ohio, USA
Virginia MacEntee - New York, USA
Gulnoza Yakubova - Pennsylvania, USA