International Association of Special Education
Fostering a Global Exchange of Ideas and Information

Swaleha G. Mohamedali - Tanzania
Swaleha G. Mohamedali - Tanzania
Swahela Mohamedali is the Head of Department and founder of the Special Education Needs Unit at the Jaffery Academy, Arusha, Tanzania. The four story building (of which the first 2 floors are done) caters to both inclusive and exclusive programs, equipped with a physiotherapy and occupational therapy room, and a Pre-vocational skills program. Sally trains teachers and volunteers to work in the unit.
Apart from the Academy, she also works part-time as a consultant for the City Council of Arusha to set up SEN units locally and in other regions in Tanzania, and she assists in Special Education Needs programs for primary schools throughout Arusha. Sally continues to also organize and assist with Special Olympics Tanzania (SOT) at a National and International level and introduced 4th Grade Oral Examinations into the National Examination Curriculum of Tanzania (NECTA) for Special children. Recently, she received the 2013 Council for Exceptional Children (CEC), Division of International Special Education Services (DISES), International Teacher of the Year Award (pictured on the right). Sally has been an active IASE member since 2009.
“Inclusive education was but a dream when I first stepped into Tanzania. I never thought that such a feat would be accomplishable. But then, I realized after starting the program at the Jaffery Academy, that if I were able to do it, then so can everyone else. If we could turn one school, then we could turn the whole world for these children. This is my dream.”

This bulletin board in Sally's office
displays some of her honors.

Sally lives only to fulfill her dreams of nurturing children with special needs.

Sally poses with her pioneer student who is preparing
for his National 7th Grade exams.

Contact Information
Contact Information

Professional Experience in Education
- Teacher Training Workshop facilitator, Arusha Islamic School – KSIJ YMM Madressah, Arusha, Tanzania January 2013.
- Special Education Consultant, Arusha City Council, Tanzania, 2009 to date.
- IASE member, 2009 to date.
- Head of Department, Special Education Needs, Jaffery Academy, Arusha, Tanzania, 2005 to date.
- Teacher, Al Nur School, Botswana, 1992 to 2005.
- Manageress, own Day Care Centre, Botswana, 1992 to 1997.
- Montessori Teacher, Union Nursery School Dar, 1981 to 1991.
Probono and charitable work
- 1983 – 1991 - Teaching of religious studies within schools, Madrassah and rural Muslim areas to children aged 5 – 13 yrs –in East Africa.
- 1989 – 1991 - Rendering First aid during religious and school functions Kenya and Tanzania.
- 1983 – 1999- Active member of burial committee –- Kenya, Tanzania and Botswana.
- 1992- 2004 - Coaching children of mixed age and ethnic groups at their homes for guidance and counseling in areas of Jurisprudence. Gaborone-Botswana.
- September 2006 - Assisting the Intellectual Challenged children at Uhuru Special Education Needs School – Arusha - for two weeks.
- 2009 – 2010 - Assisting The Earth Assistance Foundation for SEN Educational Consultancy.
- 2010 – 2011 – Advocate for victims of Rape and Sexual Abuse - Arusha Lutheran Medical Centre – Arusha.
- 2011 – Conducted an ongoing workshop on “Teaching Children with Special Needs” to teachers in Arusha from various schools
- 2008 – To date - Attending and presenting papers at International conferences: Dutch Psychiatry team, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 & at the 12th Biennial International Association of Special Education Conference 2011 in Namibia - Windhoek.
- 2009 – To date – Member of International Association of Special Education – America.
- 2011 – To date - SEN Consultant to the Arusha City Council
- 2013 – Conducted a teacher training program for the Arusha YMM Madressah.