International Association of Special Education
Fostering a Global Exchange of Ideas and Information

17th Biennial 2022 Conference
International Association of Special Education
in Collaboration with
Ho Chi Minh City University of Education
"Building An Inclusive Culture Worldwide."
Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
July 10-14, 2022
17th Biennial 2022 Conference
International Association of Special Education
in Collaboration with
Ho Chi Minh City University of Education
"Building An Inclusive Culture Worldwide."
Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
July 10-14, 2022
IASE celebrated 35 years of collaboration, research and service during our 17th Biennial International Conference in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam.
The International Association of Special Education (IASE) in collaboration with the Ho Chi Minh City University of Education invited academics, practitioners, community leaders, NGOs and independent scholars and researchers from around the world (27 countries were represented). It also provides a premier interdisciplinary platform for researchers, practitioners and educators to present and discuss the most recent innovations, trends, and concerns as well as practical challenges encountered and solutions adopted in the fields of Special Needs Education.
A special thanks to everyone who participated in the conference (online participants and in person delegates) our local team, all the volunteers, all the presenters who submitted their abstracts for inclusion in the conference proceedings, and all those who contributed to continuing Dr. Marg Csapo's legacy.

IASE was a dream of its founder Dr. Marg Csapo and her founding members. May you (IASE) enjoy many more years of success and leading special education around the globe!

Dr. Anu(Anupriya) Chadha a Marg Csapo Awardee,2022

Elia Dyitege, a Marg Csapo Awardee, 2022

Dr. Nga and Dr. Ticha celebrating IASE's 35 Years

Celebrating with the help of our DJ!

Cheers to all of our IASE members!

Vietnamese Bamboo Dance!
More Celebrations......
Dr. Anupriya Chadha from India received her Marg Csapo Scholarship Award from IASE Past President, Dr. Nkabinde. She has been an IASE member for 25 years.
Elia Dyitege, with Connect Autisum Tanzania (CAT) who participated online, also received a Marg Csapo Scholarship Award. He is photographed with Dr. Nga while at the IASE conference in Tanzania, 2019.
IASE 17th Biennial Conference:
"Building an Inclusive Culture Worldwide"
July 10-14, 2022
IASE 17th Biennial Conference:
"Building an Inclusive Culture Worldwide"
July 10-14, 2022
We appreciate it that you joined us both online and in person in HCMC, Vietnam

Thanks for a most successful conference attended by our online and in person participants. We had over 200 attendees representing 27 countries. We celebrated 35 years in style with cake, dances and songs! We know the founder Dr. Marg Csapo is smiling down upon us while eating her dragon fruit and sipping on her fresh coconut juice!

Thanks for Your Action!
Your actions were recognized worldwide. Thanks to IASE's generous donors we were able to sponsor 12 teachers who attended our IASE conference held at University of Ho Chi Minh City School of Education.
Photo below are some of our awardees and our IASE President, Dr. Renata Ticha far right.

Special thanks to our very own IASE VSP volunteers. Left to right: Dr. Brenda Lazarus, Mr. Craig Goldsberry and Dr. Rachael Gonzales
IASE 17th Biennial Conference Vietnam Highlights and so Much More.....
IASE 17th Biennial Conference Vietnam Highlights and so Much More.....

Delegates unite, network , smile for the camera and have some fun too!

Breakout sessions provided our delegates both in person and online with an opportunity to brainstorm, and discuss the conference’s overarching theme, keynote speakers, and other content.

Making connections around the world...through art, rich conversations, and interchange of ideas.

The Yin and Yang of Vietnamese Food
The Yin and Yang of Vietnamese Food

A Real Celebration!
A Real Celebration!