International Association of Special Education
Fostering a Global Exchange of Ideas and Information

Nhan Hoa Inclusive Education Development Support Center
VSP Site-Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
VSP Site-Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
Nhan Hoa Inclusive Education Development Support Center
Our centers are located in Go Vap, Tan Binh, and Hoc Mon districts, Ho Chi Minh City, Viet Nam. We
support 265 children from ages 1 to 18 years old with neurodevelopmental disabilities such as autism
spectrum disorder, developmental delay, language disorder, learning disorder, mild cerebral palsy, and
Our Mission: Maximize potential to help children integrate effectively into the community.
Working Philosophy: Dedicated Companion.

Main Service Areas of the Center Includes:
*Early intervention for 1 to 4-year-olds to develop skills that they are lacking;
*Individual intervention and group intervention (1-2 hours a day) for children 4-18 years old who are able to integrate (studying preschool, primary school, elementary school, high school, and individual intervention at the center);
*Full-day group intervention for children aged 4 years and older who have not or are unable to participate in an inclusive learning program due to limited cognitive, language, or self-care abilities;
*Speech and language therapy interventions for children with speech and language needs.Counseling and psychotherapy for children and adults with psychological needs;
*Training 1:1 for parents of children with developmental disorders in provinces and cities far from Ho Chi Minh City in direct and indirect forms so that parents have the knowledge to effectively intervene for their children at home;
*In addition, our center also supports internships and internships for students and teachers at universities and schools in the city.
Our newest site is looking for volunteers and expertise in the following areas:
Special education
Speech therapy
Occupational therapy
Early intervention
Rating scale/assessment
Intervention programs
Specialized books and materials
For more information on how you can get involved, feel free to contact Thu Nguyễn at nguyenthupsy@gmail.com and check out her website: https://trungtamnhanhoa.vn/