International Association of Special Education
Fostering a Global Exchange of Ideas and Information

Special Children Special People (SCSP)
VSP- Uganda
Special Children Special People (SCSP) believe that every child, regardless of ability, deserves the opportunity to learn and thrive in an inclusive environment.Due to increased demand and insufficient space, this NGO and one of our IASE VSP sites has began the construction of a double-story building that will serve as a dedicated space for special needs sessions, training, and much more.
They have successfully completed the main basement foundation, which is a significant milestone! But still have a long way to go. The next step is to begin construction on the ground floor, which will cost $25,000 to complete.
Uganda is unable to host crowdfunding accounts, so our long-time friend and supporter Eva Moesli of Switzerland has assisted in the launch of this campaign. Her family has supported a variety of SCSP programs. This is a secure account; all funds will be transferred directly to SCSP. You can contact Moses, the Director, via email (check the website), who also runs and manages this campaign directly. You can also learn more about this campaign on our website at https://specialchildrenuganda.org/help-us-complete-our-new-building-for-special-needs-children-in-a-rural-set-up-in-uganda/.
You can also donate other ways via our IASE donor link. Please let us know if this will be going for this project and or other items listed below.

Special Children Special People (SCSP) was registered in 2013 as a grassroots non-profit organization to advocate, educate/ rehabilitate and empower children with disabilities and families. In order to promote inclusion, we started community inclusive programs in order to address issues of stigma, engaging the young generation for a better tomorrow.
We work with parents/caretakers of special needs children, Community based organizations, local authorities and national institutions to advocate and champion its causes under the tagline ‘Realizing the Potential of the Neglected, Transforming Lives.
Vision: ‘Fully Equipped Special Needs People for Comprehensive Community Integration’
Currently we run two campuses wisdom hub nursery and primary school and centre for neuro independence however we want to join them into one campus.
Wisdom hub nursery and primary school is a private school located in Mpigi district, 40km from Kampala.
It was started in 2019 to provide kindergarten and primary education services in an inclusive setting. For
many years we have had challenges to enroll children with disabilities into mainstream schools, many
were denied an opportunity (due to stigma and myths attached to disability). At wisdom hub, any child within
the eligible age and qualification is welcome to a non-discriminatory school without looking at
the child’s background.
Our services include early childhood education/ learning, daycare and inclusive primary education. The focus
is to provide an age-appropriate, functional and inclusive education for children to meet their learning needs.
Their needs include:
- School supplies;
- Sports equipment;
- Computers;
- Clothing and bedding;
- Musical Instruments
- Adaptive Playground equipment;
- Interactive games and teaching materials;
- Transportation funds for field trips;
- Snacks and awards for community meetings;
- Teachers to share teaching techniques, skills, and expertise.
The centre handles severe cases of autism, cerebral palsy, epilepsy and intellectual disabilities, all
children receive services as part of the SEN program guided by their individual education plan (IEP) and
set targets. The program is designed basing on a multi-disciplinary team including parents, support
staff, teachers, occupational therapist, speech and language therapist, and physiotherapist
among others. The program is highly individualized to meet the children’ unique learning
needs including functional life skills, activities of daily living, social skills and pre-vocational training.
This program involves pre-vocational activities as well as the use of positive behavior interventions, therapeutically interventions, systematic instruction of skills across all domains of learning to foster increasing independence in the educational learning environment, and instructional plans that break down skills across all domains into manageable increments.
Their needs include:
- Volunteers in Speech/Language Therapy;
- Volunteers in Structured Reading;
- Volunteers in Social Skills instruction;
- Volunteers in Social Work and Parent Training;
- Volunteers in Community Based learning;
- Volunteers in Vocational Training Programs and Management;
- Facilitators for team building;
- Child and program sponsorships;
- Technical teams related to building infrastructure.
Walk-in Services:
The center also offers free services to the community in need of therapies such as speech and language, occupational therapy, and physical therapy, and receive walk-in services. Parents accompany their child during the one to two therapy sessions each week and are provided with consultation on how to best support their child at home. For more information feel free to contact Moses Walusimbi

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Celebration with Music and the Arts